Missions for Romania
serving the POOR, THE WIDOWS AND THE ORPHANS OF romania since 1994
How You Can Help
Missions for Romania does not claim to be a big ministry or to do great things. Our goal is to have a big love for God and for people and to serve Him with great devotion. Over two hundred years ago, John Wesley prayed to God, “Raise up one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and who seek nothing but the glory of God, and we will change the world.” Today, we look at the nations around us and we see the overwhelming needs. Darkness covers every continent and hardens hearts, even within the walls of today’s churches. The love of many has become cold, as our Lord warned in Matthew 24:12. Again, we unite our voices and our prayers with sincere Christians and congregations and we cry, “Raise up one hundred men who fear nothing but sin, and who seek nothing but the glory of God, and we will change the world.”
We invite you to partner with Missions for Romania. Together, we can share this labor of love, touching hearts and lives, changing eternal destinies. Together, we can ease the burden of the poor widows and elderly Christians. We can unite our hearts and efforts to rescue unwanted children and provide them with the wonderful future that Jesus died to give them. Together, we can share the Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ, making disciples for the Kingdom of Heaven. If you feel led to assist with this work there is much that you can do from your own home, using whatever limited amount of time you have to invest. Here are a few ideas and ways that you could be a blessing to the children and poor of Romania:
Please pray about being a co-laborer with this ministry. You may use the contact form on this website to send us your questions and comments. God bless you!!