​​​Missions for Romania

serving the POOR, THE WIDOWS AND THE ORPHANS OF romania since 1994

Crumbs From Your Table

     Listen, there is a sound of thunder in the distance, a faint rumble, an echo, or a cry.  We can cover our ears and hope that the sound will go away.  So we rush on, going about our crowded lives, ignoring the distant whisper, and the choir of pleading voices tugging on our hearts.

     What is this sound?  Why won't it stop?  It is the sound of voices young and old, reaching out, groaning, praying in desperation to God. "All that we need are crumbs from your table.  All that we need are crumbs from your table."

     It's another day.  The distant cries are far away.  Sometimes distance can make us feel separated or detached from the people that we care about and also from people that we don't know but should care about.  We may feel that it is our calling to preach the gospel, to build a mega-church, to heal the sick, to write a how-to book about spiritual things, but there is a calling from God that we all must do, a calling even more profound than raising the dead.   "All that we need are crumbs from your table.  All that we need are crumbs from your table."

     The essence of true Christianity is to care for the fatherless and the widows and to separate ourselves from the world.  God calls all of us to demonstrate His love to those whom this world has forgotten.  Listen, and you will hear their cry.  "All that we need are crumbs from your table.  All that we need are crumbs from your table.  All that we need, we need, we need are crumbs from your table.  Just crumbs from your table."