Missions for Romania
serving the POOR, THE WIDOWS AND THE ORPHANS OF romania since 1994
Be a Voice For the Voiceless
We all desire to live lives that matter and that make a difference. Some dream of the day when they will hold revival meetings across the state. Others see themselves leading the worship service at the largest church in town, attended by thousands. Then the soft whisper comes to our ear and to our heart, “Care for the fatherless and the widows.” This is a calling that Jesus has given to every member of His Church, regardless of gender, race, economic position, or education. We may only have the crumbs that fall from our table to share, but even this offering will come as a blessing to the destitute widows and abandoned children. These forgotten members of Christ’s Body suffer in silence, far away and unknown to Christians here in America. They have no way to make their needs known or to even ask us for our prayers. As winter arrives, they endure the cold without adequate clothing or warm coats and shoes. When their supply of firewood is depleted, they burn pieces of paper and slithers of rotten wood. The poor widows heat bricks and rocks in their stove to place in their beds at night. This is the life of the poor in Romania.
Have you heard the call to become a voice for the voiceless? You may feel like you are unqualified and have few talents to offer. If you have a heart of compassion for the children and the poor, then you already possess the most important qualification.
In Psalms 41:9 we read, "Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." If you have a willingness, God will arrange circumstances in your daily life to speak on behalf of those who do not have a voice. You may not be able to drop everything and become a missionary on a foreign field, but you can become the Voice of a multitude. Consider these situations: Can we remain silent, knowing that 40,000 children die daily of nutrition related causes, including starvation? Can we remain silent, knowing that 4,000 abortions will end the lives of unborn children today? Can we remain silent, knowing that there are children living in third-world countries without one person in this world who cares if they live or die? To remain silent is to become savorless salt, to become a candle hidden under the bushel basket, or to become a compassionless Christian. Hmmm, a compassionless Christian? The world will certainly never be changed, nor the Great Commission fulfilled by compassionless Christianity.
We would like to encourage you to embrace the life of being a voice for the voiceless. This is not a one time activity, it is a way of life. You may be a voice for the poor in your community or for single mothers. You may be a voice for compassion in your church and among your friends to end the social cliques that keep certain people at a distance. New Christians need your compassion, not rules of social (clique) acceptance. You can be a voice for the elderly who are forgotten and left in the background at church events. You can be a voice for the teenager who has made some bad choices, but now is searching for the path that will lead to restoration. Yes, you can be a voice for missionaries also. We need your voice, but most of all.....God needs your voice on behalf of the multitudes that cannot speak for themselves. People with a heart for God have a heart for people.