Missions for Romania
serving the POOR, THE WIDOWS AND THE ORPHANS OF romania since 1994
It is our prayer that you have been led by Divine Providence to our website. We know that it is easier to brace your heart against the cries of the children and the widows and look the other way. We want to thank you for choosing to read the comments that we have shared. We pray that you will hear the pleas of the children, the poor, and the widows through these words as we seek to be their voice. We sincerely invite you, your family, and your church to unite your hearts and efforts with us in this labor of love.
There are places in this world where the forgotten widows wait. What do they wait for? They wait for a small monthly pension check that will not stretch to purchase even their basic needs. They wait for a visitor who never comes, for someone to help patch the collapsed roof, or for someone to carry a bucket of water from the village well. They wait and they dream, all the time looking back to the memories of long ago when days were filled with happiness, and they were strong enough to take care of themselves. They dream of all of these things, but most of all they dream of being loved and having someone in their lives that they can love also. Will there come a day when this love can be found? Will God hear their prayers and mobilize the hearts of His people as His ambassadors of love, to come and rescue the poor, the forgotten children and widows of Romania?
There are places in this world where the hand of darkness clutches tightly to its captives, young and old. Romania is such a place. We may see a documentary about Romania or catch a glimpse of the despair on a news report or in a magazine article. It is hard for us to believe that in the year 2024 there are children who still search through garbage containers for scraps of food, or impoverished widows who must choose between buying food for the week or medicine for their heart conditions.
There are places in this world where joy is smothered beneath a cloud of hopelessness. Where is the God who answers prayers? Does He hear the desperate single mother? Her children are starving, and she must send them to bed again tonight without even a piece of bread to eat. Will tomorrow bring an answer to her prayers? Will God touch the hearts of His people somewhere, in a faraway land? Are there people with hearts of compassion who are willing to share the crumbs that fall from their table?
There are places in this world where the children dream of a better life. What is it that they dream about? A nice home? A new toy? A warm bed of their own? Maybe they dream of having a banana, an orange, or a piece of candy. Yes, they dream of all of these things, but more than any of these, they dream of being loved and having someone to love.